Turf Carb is complex liquid of sugars, bio stimulants, humic and fulvic acids and is part of the Consolidate Turf Anti-Stress range.
Stress in any living species will cause disease, fatigue and illness. It will open the door to infection and parasites, whilst also inhibiting growth.
Turf managers have always faced ongoing challenges, never more so than in today’s fast paced, results-based environments. Both biotic and abiotic stresses are continually pushing us to seek out remedies and quick fixes.
Individual stress factors can often require a more specific, targeted approach in order to minimise or alleviate the issue. At Consolidate Turf, we pride ourselves in producing lasting solutions that have stood the test of time.
Our Anti-Stress range has been formulated to either supplement our Consolidate range or be administered as a stand-alone product.